EQ investigates the death of a former agent/romantic partner.
The Equalizer Season 3 Episode 22: Always a Lady Aired on CBS: May 4, 1988 Directed by: Marc Laub Story by : Scott Shepherd; Teleplay by : Peter McCabe Featuring: Anne Twomey, Joseph Mascolo, Lewis Van Bergen, Susan Gibney, and (possible stunt cast) Rita Jenrette
The Equalizer show packs a lot into their season finale: Agency intrigue, flashbacks, past romances, a casino with a back room for the mobsters that own the place and one of those secret buttons under the roulette table. Some episode superlatives: more female guest stars than usual, more gruesome crime scenes than we're used to, and a rare plot twist. And we, your fearless guides on this journey, reflect on this season finale and look hopefully towards the future (season four of The Equalizer).
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